Saturday, September 29, 2007

Junkmail and Junk in the Mail

When I checked the mail the other day I found that someone had put some junk in our mailbox:

3 pennies and a gum wrapper

That's SO tacky!

A little privacy, please?

This is a shot of the restroom in an art gallery in Charlottesville. It's practically an island in the middle of the gallery.

If you were wondering when Reddi-Wip is appropriate...

Honestly, I don't get it.

"Reddi-Wip is appropriate for non-government sanctioned holidays"

Made in Ireland

It seems a little ironic to me because the U.K. isn't really known for its dental hygiene.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Hamster Derby

They had these at the check-out counter at Petco.
Hamster Races, and they even had a training schedule on the back of the card.
Apparently, you're supposed to train them for 15 minutes every other day. (Cuz they have to rest the whole next day to get over it?)